

Code of Conduct & Business Ethics 

The business philosophy of VM Marine has been developed around a core set of values which are fundamental to the Company’s development and success. 

1. Ethics Code 

1.1 Being Honest and Trustworthy 

Employees should always 

-  abide by the laws and the Company’s rules and regulations 

               -  report any wrongdoings 

               -  never offering or taking a bribe 

-  avoid any conflict of interest 

1.2 Being Professional and Accountable 

            Employees should always: 

- do the best job that they can 

- be responsible and proactive in their allocated tasks 

- look smart and professional 

- safeguard the reputation of the Company 

1.3 Having Integrity and Being Fair to Others 

            Employees should always: 

- prohibit from taking undue credit for work which other employees have performed 

- be considerate and respectful to others 

2. Ethical Standards of Business Practice 

2.1 Bribery and Corruption

VM Marine is resolutely opposed to bribery and corruption in whatever form it may take. For more details, please refer to the Anti Bribery Policy. 

2.2 Treatment of Customers 

Mutual trust and confidence between VM Marine and our customers is vital.  All employees should strive to constantly deliver service excellence to customers, meeting customers’ expectations and anticipating their changing requirements. All employees should prohibit from lying to potential customers or providing misleading information to win a deal. Employees should not overpromise and underdeliver. 

2.3 Treatment of Suppliers 

All suppliers are entitled to fair treatment and all potential suppliers should have a reasonable opportunity to win VM Marine’s business. Receiving benefits or corruption from suppliers to allow them an edge over other suppliers is strictly prohibited and will be subject to dire repercussions. 

2.4 Competition 

The Company will always compete vigorously, but in a fair and ethical manner. Competitive success is built on providing good value and service excellence. Competitors should not be disparaged. When in contact with competitors, employees should refrain from discussing confidential information and no attempt will be made to improperly acquire competitors’ trade secrets or any other confidential information. Employees must not discuss, publicise or share with competitors (even indirectly) pricing strategies or undertake any arrangements which would run in conflict with the laws. 

3. Employees’ Commitment to VM Marine 

3.1 Timekeeping: 

Employees must report for work on time.  In whatever capacity the employees are employed as, the employee has an important job to do.  Employee’s observation/adherence of the working hours will help the Company in accomplishing its objectives in a timely manner.  This is important to our organization and to order employee as well as fellow employees’ job satisfaction and security. It is strictly prohibited for employees to take time off on their own accord on the pretext of completing a task out of office. 

3.2 Personal Property: 

Employee should not bring valuables or other personal property to the Company premises as the Company will not be responsible for loss of or damage to such property. 

3.3 Company Property: 

Company property must be treated with great care at all time.  Employees will be liable for prosecution for willful damage to Company property or to make good any damage to Company property on account of negligence, willful or otherwise. 

3.4 Office & Personal Conduct: 

Employees are expected at all times to conduct themselves with honesty, integrity and decorum.  All house rules and regulations either expressed or implied are to be observed and complied. 

Undesirable activities which when practiced or participated into can lead to disciplinary action, and depending on the seriousness of each case or infraction, certain undesirable actions can result in immediate dismissal.  Such undesirable actions include but are not limited to: 

    1. Falsifying or making material omissions from Company records including all certificates, diplomas and degrees provided at point of employment.
    2. Making false, vicious or malicious statements concerning the Company or its products, services and employees.
    3. Deliberately restricting output or holding back full cooperation or instigating other employees to restrict efficiency, output or collaboration.
    4. Gambling or consumption of alcohol on Company premises.
    5. Theft or unauthorized possession of property belonging to the Company or the government or other employees.
    6. Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, narcotic drugs, or other such hazardous items on Company premises.
    7. Immoral or reprehensible conduct or indecency.
    8. Boycotting or refusal to perform work assigned or encouraging other employees to similar acts of non-cooperation.
    9. Willfully misusing, destroying or damaging any Company property on Company premises.
    10. Provoking or instigating a fight or fighting on Company premises, and physically fighting on Company premises regardless of who initiated the altercation/fight.
    11. Threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with fellow employees on Company premises.
    12. Taking unfair advantage of other colleagues through manipulation, concealment, misinterpretation of material facts, or any other unfair dealing practice.
    13. Failing or neglecting to advise your superiors of your absence and obtaining the relevance documentation and permission from your superior if you are going away for a period of time.
    14. Frequent tardiness or unauthorized absence.
    15. Using Company vehicles for any purposes without permission.
    16. Contribution to unsanitary condition or poor general housekeeping.
    17. Soliciting or collecting contributions of whatever nature or cause on Company premises without prior management’s consent.
    18. Corruption is generally understood as engaging in other forms of economic sabotage intending to hurt the Company or its good image.
    19. Being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics and/or other intoxicants on Company premises or appearing for duty under such conditions.
    20. Willful refusal to comply with specific Company Policy or proper management directives.
    21. Dishonesty in any guise, form or intensity.
    22. Altering or falsifying any time-keeping records, intentionally doing such for another employee or removing such records from the designated files or holding area without prior authorization, or destroying such records. 

4. Updating of Employee’s Personal Particulars to Human Resource: 

Employees’ personal and job related records are kept by the Company, and such information is maintained in strict confidence.  Information about you is not given to outsiders unless the Company is satisfied with the validity of the request, or if it is required by law, or if you have personally requested that information be supplied for reference purposes.  Information about you is used within the Company only for bona fide business reasons. 

To ensure that our files are kept up-to-date, you should notify the Company (Human Resource) immediately whenever there are changes in your home address, telephone number, marital status, dependants, education etc.  By keeping this information up-to-date, you will avoid problems concerning your benefits and other related matter. 

5. Housekeeping & Safety:

Good housekeeping means checking everything and putting everything in proper order so that your work place is neat, tidy and safe.  Some accidents are avoidable and wholly attributable to bad housekeeping.  Your personal and overall concern over housekeeping will show that you have pride in your work and demonstrate your concern for both others and your own physical well-being. 

Safety is everybody’s business.  Protective equipment is purchased for your use.  We enforce safety rules and regulations and procedures for you to follow.  We have given a lot of thoughts and time to instil safety consciousness in our work force. 

But in spite of all the safety programs, we cannot guarantee that you will be safe all the time.  Only you can help to keep yourself safe.  You have to be self-motivated in good behaviour and promote your safety awareness – it is a matter of common sense. 

6. Personal Telephone Calls and Visitors:

    1. The Company discourages employees from making personal calls during business hours.  It is understandable that on occasions some personal calls may have to be made or entertained during business hours.  However, the number and duration of these calls must be kept to a minimum.
    2. Any international calls made from the company provided SIM should be informed to the HR department.
    3. Personal visitors to the office are discouraged.  If such personal visits are necessary then the personal visitors should be met in an area where other employees will not be distracted, and the meeting should be kept as brief as possible. 

7. Dress Code & Appearance: 

All employees are required to dress appropriately and decently for business.  Articles of clothing should be neat, clean and in good taste.  Specifically, no beach clothes, singlet, cut-off shorts, and torn jeans are allowed.  Casual clothes must always be clean, tidy and modest.  Any employee who must attend business meetings on a casual work day (if one is designated) should continue to wear appropriate business attire for such meetings.  Wearing of jeans and tee shirts are not allowed on Thursday. 

The recommended business working attires for employees are as follows: 

    • Female – Pant suit, national tradition dress, skirt and blouse
    • Male – Business attire trousers and short or long sleeve shirt 

8. Month of Ramadan 

UAE follows strict rules during the month of Ramadan. Employees are not allowed to eat or drink in public places during the hours of fast. Proper dressing is essential. Employees must also comply with local practices and guidelines observed by the locals during this said period.


Promulgated on 21 Apr 2013



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