


Objectives of the company

We at VM MARINE INTERNATIONAL LTD, ensure long term reliability, confidence  and value to our clients.  VMM is committed to :

  • Promoting continuous improvement in service delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • Plan, develop, implement & monitor the Integrated QHSSE Managenent System and its objectives.
  • Provide our employees with training, tools and systems to enhance productivity and to deliver quality services.

            We believe that integrity and honesty are the key to a successful business.

Safety & Environmental Policy

VMM is committed to safety and healthy work environemnt for all employees, subcontractors and the public at large. Our policy is designed to prevent personal injury, loss of life and to protect the physical assets of the company and  those of our clients while putting incontinuous efforts to improve the compatability of our operations in consonance with the environment. We, at VMM, recognize  the importance of meeting society’s needs and our responsibility as a Marine Service Company to operate in an evironmentally friendly manner.

VMM  is committed to Health, Safety & Environmental Protection by:

  • Making every effort to comply with applicable legislative requirements.
  • Reduce waste and use of non-renewable resources, recycle waste where feasible.
  • Inviting all personnel to cooperate and participate in achieving safe, healthy and eco friendly environemnt for all. Encourage them to report or rectify immediately any unsafe practices that have come to their notice.
  • Reducing pollution into the environment and judicious use of energy.
  • Make employees and visitors aware of thier role in implementing this policy.
  • The ultimate responsibility for prevention of pollution rests with the highest levels of management. HSE is the responsibility of all employees at VMM.
  • Reporting of accidents, near misses and non-conformities are recorded and analyzed.
  • Ensuring at all times adherence to estsblished  operating procedures.
  • All accidents can be prevented through the combined efforts and active involvement of both management and employees alike.

The policy and QHSE objectives will be communicated to all the employees and will be reviewed annually. Policy will be made available to general public/ intersted parties upon request.

Promulgated Date :    November 15, 2011

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